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Why Email Marketing is Still Vital in 2022

With the continual growth of social media, many people expected email marketing to become a less...

Optimizing Social Media Platforms for Best Results

Creating a successful social media marketing campaign depends on catching the right people’s...

Why Email Marketing is Still an Important Strategy in 2022

Digital marketing is continually evolving and with social media and other new technologies growing...

What Goes into an Effective Email Marketing Campaign?

Marketing is always changing and evolving, but one thing remains constant and that’s the power of...

Is Your Ecommerce Website Conversion Ready?

If you’re getting ready to run Google Ads for your e-commerce website, before spending money driving...

What’s Important in SEO in 2022?

Digital marketing is continually evolving, and that’s especially true of SEO. If you’re wondering...

21 Ideas to Fill Your Social Media Content Calendar

Regular content posting on social media is a great way to increase brand awareness and engage with...

Franchise Marketing

There are many ways to market a franchise, but franchises are seeing a major shift toward digital...

Should Your Brand Create a LinkedIn Newsletter?

LinkedIn recently expanded its newsletter creation feature reach to more users and is continuing to...

Leverage LinkedIn for Greater Visibility

If you’re looking for greater visibility, LinkedIn is the way to go. Are you taking advantage of all...

Checking Technical SEO on Your Website

There are many aspects to successful search engine optimization, including on-page SEO, off-page...

How Important is Word Count in SEO?

If you’re trying to figure out how to rank better in the search engines, one of the factors you may...

What Marketers Need to Know About Social Media Algorithms

Social media has become a way of life for millions of people around the world. Facebook and YouTube...

Is Your SEO Strategy Google Algorithm Resistant?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is complex and is made more complex with frequent changes to search...

What is Lead Scoring?

There are many ways to generate leads, but only a small percentage of leads become customers. How do...

What You Need to Know About UX

If you want to keep bounce rates low and conversion rates high, it’s important to elevate your...

Improving Email Click-Through Rates

Over 4 billion people use email daily and that number keeps climbing. Email marketing is an...

Planning a Paid Media Strategy and Budget

There are many marketing options that can help you grow your business, and it’s a good idea to...

Is Blogging Still Important in Your Digital Marketing Strategy?

There are many possible approaches to a digital marketing strategy and you may wonder whether...

Can Hashtags Be Used on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn hasn’t always allowed the use of hashtags, and clickable hashtags weren’t allowed on this...

Defining Your Brand Purpose Attributes

The essence of your company revolves around characteristics your company already has. The qualities...