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Should You Hire a Digital Agency or an In-House Marketing Team?

If you don’t market your business, customers may not find you and may not be able to buy your product or service. To be competitive and build strong customer relationships, businesses can benefit from the help of expert marketers. Once you recognize that your business will benefit from marketing help, the next question is whether… Continue reading Should You Hire a Digital Agency or an In-House Marketing Team?

Why Corporate Brands Should Partner with Softline Solutions

We Know the Complexities of Building Brands Whether your company is just getting started building a brand from the ground up or you’re an established national enterprise brand, Softline Solutions can help. We can show you how to build a bridge between the product or service you have to offer and the audience you’re trying… Continue reading Why Corporate Brands Should Partner with Softline Solutions

Improving PPC Advertising with Google Smart Bidding

PPC advertising can be a very effective way to build your brand, but it can also be a tricky tool to master. Common mistakes include bidding too much on certain keywords, which may rank well for a short time, causing businesses to quickly spend their entire marketing budget. At the opposite end of the spectrum,… Continue reading Improving PPC Advertising with Google Smart Bidding

How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Outsourcing

When you are running a small business, at some point you realize that you just can’t do it all. You don’t have the time or the talent to do every task that’s required to run a business, and the solution is outsourcing. If you don’t outsource, your business may not grow as quickly as it… Continue reading How Small Businesses Can Benefit from Outsourcing

Choosing the Best Digital Marketing Metrics

Digital marketing metrics provide a way to measure the results of a marketing campaign which can give you insights into what’s working. Metrics give you important information about how well you’re doing and how close you are to achieving your goals. There are plenty of digital marketing metrics to choose from. The question is which… Continue reading Choosing the Best Digital Marketing Metrics

Key Competitive Metrics Since the Sunset of Average Position

When Google decided to sunset the Average Position metric in 2019, many marketers were unhappy with that decision. In the past, many PPC marketers relied on Average Position as a key component of their criteria for aggressive bidding.  This metric made it easy to know how well your ads were performing, what your ROI was… Continue reading Key Competitive Metrics Since the Sunset of Average Position

Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

The global pandemic of 2020 caused economic volatility all over the world and impacted businesses big and small. Businesses in every vertical faced budget cuts and difficult decisions, some of which affected digital advertising. The beginning of 2021 represents a new year and a fresh start, but the pandemic and the uncertainty surrounding it aren’t… Continue reading Planning Digital Advertising Improvements in 2021

KPI Diagnosis: Identifying the Cause of Change in Conversions

When reports show that key performance indicators (KPIs) aren’t meeting their targets, it’s important to be able to identify what happened and what can be done for improvement. Large changes to conversions can be very encouraging if they’re going up, but if they’re going down, there’s clearly a need for analysis and change in strategy.… Continue reading KPI Diagnosis: Identifying the Cause of Change in Conversions

The Importance of Blogging for Onsite SEO

No matter what people are looking for, Google is often the first way they search. This means it’s imperative for your business to show up in search engine results if you’re going to be competitive, and blogging is an important part of any content marketing strategy in order to accomplish this. Quality blog posts help… Continue reading The Importance of Blogging for Onsite SEO

Digital Marketing for the New Decade: 10 Tips for Digital Marketing in 2020

Technology continues to change and evolve at an amazingly rapid pace. Learning new techniques and technologies may feel like a juggling act at times as you try to pay attention to changing Facebook and Google algorithms, along with changes in PPC, marketing automation and SEO strategies. For your digital marketing campaign to remain effective in… Continue reading Digital Marketing for the New Decade: 10 Tips for Digital Marketing in 2020