Many website owners have heard about it, but few actually understand what it means to be a Google AdWords partner. In addition to a variety of benefits a Google partner offers, certainly their ability to run analytics on marketing campaigns effectively, as an accredited authority, can often mark the difference between success and failure in this ever-more-complicated technological landscape.
The Facts About Being A Google AdWords Partner
Whether you’re a website owner, an advertising agency or digital marketing professional, becoming a Google AdWords Partner means having access to information, seminars and testing that will help you understand and excel in the management of Google AdWords campaigns. Partners are afforded learning experiences regarding the ins and outs of Google Analytics, Google AdWords, and various facets of mobile site management. Additionally, Google partners are the first to find out about new products, search engine updates, and industry research driving the next wave of search algorithms. Partners also have exclusive access to events and training. The specialized knowledge it takes to become a Google AdWords Partner and the industry insight that accompanies this certification make digital agencies who are Google partners all the most attractive to marketing clients who need help with PPC management.
Analytics Experts
While there are many benefits to becoming, or working with a Google Adwords partner, certainly the experience with Goole analytics is a critical advantage. Analytics is a free program that is easily installed and works with virtually any web development platform, from Squarespace to WordPress or any other.
A Google partner can help maximize the us of Google Analytics for PPC in order to track e-commerce revenue streams, optimize conversion rates, analyze landing page efficacy, and follow and optimize a multitude of other metrics. Plus, analytics can often inform on exactly what SEO keywords are working best for you.
In addition, if the free service is not advanced enough for a particular site’s analytical requirements, the account can be upgraded to a premium membership for even more capabilities.
In the end, being a Google Adwords partner doesn’t in and of itself ensure success. But it certainly acts a s stamp of approval that companies should look for when hiring a digital marketing agency. Having a business ally like Softline Solutions on your side, with vast experience in AdWords and analytics, is key to success. Contact us today if you need help developing and executive an effective marketing plan for your business.