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Twitter’s New Local Feature

Most people are familiar with Twitter. For those who are not, Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to login and write brief, 160 character statements about anything they want. This form of Social Media has become incredibly viral and there are hundreds of thousands of Twitter users on their account and updating content everyday.

Twitter just released a new feature that not only allows a person to choose to add their location, but if another user clicks on the location mentioned in the ‘tweet’ it shows exactly where that person was on a Google map. This feature is getting mixed reviews from veteran ‘tweeters’.

While the concept is interesting, and can be useful for people planning to meet up or who want to see what people in their area are saying, some feel that it is a major invasion of privacy.

Twitter is aware of both sides of the spectrum and has made it possible for this feature to be turned off or on permanently, and also has a feature where the user can select to show location or not before posting any tweet. Ultimately, this new feature with amazing Google innovation is intriguing and creative, and doesn’t truly impact users who do not like the feature because it is optional.

Check out the new local feature and tell us what you think!
