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How to do Quality Local SEO

Google-yahoo-bingBy this time, nearly every business owner has learned at least something about Search Engine Optimization, or SEO. If you haven’t, it’s time to put your research hat on and get informed. Because the days of not using SEO to benefit your business with Internet marketing strategies are just about over, and in fact, you are already behind the eight ball if you are not in the game yet.

So, you’re probably wondering exactly what SEO is if you are in the category of not having used it yet. The simple answer is that you are optimizing your listing in the published results of a search on the Internet. Google, Bing, Yahoo – these major search engines produce a listing of search results when a user plugs in a word or phrase because they want information about the same. So if you were searching for home improvement stores and you’re located in Dallas, TX, the words you would probably search with would be “home improvement stores Dallas, TX”. This is the keyword, set of keywords, or phrase that is being used for the search. When you hit enter for the search, you’ll get back over 1.5 million results. The most popular results are on the first page and decrease in applicability the further you go on subsequent pages. Later listings will have the words in the content somewhere, but probably not in sequence, so not really giving you home improvement stores located in Dallas.

This is an illustration of how important it is to work on optimization of your listing and/or website. Once you have chosen the keywords or phrases that you want to lead to your listing or site, you will want to make sure they are dotted throughout your listing or site content consistently and often. This is part of what helps you get your listing on that critical first page of results. Studies show that searchers rarely go beyond the first couple of pages on a search result. So making it to that first page is key to your growth and success.

Get your listing for local listings filled out completely and make sure the information and content is accurate. Look out to be sure the feel and visual appeal is consistent for all of the various ways you market on the Internet – SEO through maps listings through social media outlets. All of the ways you can get your name out there in the social space and over the Internet is critical to success. In the various location and description blocks, repeat your keywords and phrases. The more these elements show up consistently in your listing and content, the higher up the rankings for a search result you will rise until you finally show up on page one.

This is optimizing results on a search engine – SEO. When you have this down to a science, you are well on your way to more business that you imagined. Everyone will be finding you first and calling or coming by to visit, and you will see the best benefits from this essential Internet marketing tool.
