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Pay Per Click the Smart Way: A List of Smart Google Ads Features

Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most powerful tactics in digital marketing, but it can also be complex and time-consuming. Using this marketing strategy gives you the opportunity to be noticed by a wider audience online. When PPC is working efficiently, the amount of money you invest in clicks is worth it, because a visit… Continue reading Pay Per Click the Smart Way: A List of Smart Google Ads Features

7 Signs Your Pay Per Click Campaigns Contain Wasteful Ad Spend

Pay-per-click advertising can be a powerful and effective way to market your business, but it can also be a competitive marketing strategy which can be tricky to master. The goal of paid advertising is low cost, high ad rankings and maximum return on investment. Mistakes or oversights in PPC can easily result in wasteful ad… Continue reading 7 Signs Your Pay Per Click Campaigns Contain Wasteful Ad Spend

How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing

The speed at which your visitors can access your content matters. In a world that’s becoming more and more fast-paced, website visitors are likely to click away from a site that doesn’t load in a matter of seconds. You can lose as many as half of your potential customers if the site takes too long… Continue reading How Page Load Speed Affects Both UX and Marketing